Holy Book Similarity Analysis

CS410 Text Information Systems, Final Project, Fall 2018

Click here to start docker container at mybinder

For browsing (rather than the interactive notebook in mybinder) the main notebook is holybooks.ipynb, and the PDF equivalent is holybooks.pdf


Graham Chester - grahamc2: Division of Labour, Sourcing/Cleaning book data files, text processing, LDA, t-SNE coding, documentation, voiceover

John Moran - jfmoran2: Division of Labour, NLTK Tutorial, voiceover, mybinder setup, repo management.

Functionality Overview

This Jupyter notebook tool was developed to enable the visualisation of similarities and differences of the major texts from many of the worlds largest religions. It also includes non-religious works from approximately similar periods (of translation) as a benchmark. While the tool is focused on religious works, it is general enough to be applied to be used to visualize the comparison of books from any genre.

The tool, as supplied, consists of a Jupyter notebook and the raw texts downloaded from the websites below. It requires the installation of a fairly standard Python data science stack as described in the installation section below.

Data Sources

All books were sourced from open data sites in accordance with their licensing terms, as follows:


Option 1: Cloud

There are two options for installation. The first and simplest isnt really installation at all. The Jupyter notebook can be started directly from mybinder. It will take several minutes to start as it copies across file from this github repo, then builds and starts a docker container with the Python required libraries, but in the meantime you can browse the notebook itself.

Option 2: Local Machine

This Jupyter notebook is built on a reasonably standard Python Data Science stack. Perhaps the easiest to install the prerequisites, if they are not already on your Windows, Mac or Linux machine, is to download and install Anaconda (Python version 3) from here, and then "conda install nltk", or refer to the official NLTK website

If you have an existing Python 3.5 or above installation and don't wish to install Anaconda, you can do the following, but you may need to be careful with versions:

pip install numpy scipy matplotlib pandas scikit-learn jupyter nltk

You will then need to clone or download the GitHub repo from here. This contains the Jupyter notebook, and the raw religious texts in a directory called 'books-raw'.

At a terminal/command line window you then type 'jupyter notebook' in the dorectory that contains the notebook and books-raw directory. This will start the notebook server at port 8888 on your local machine and open a browser window. If you have any problems check this quickstart guide


Clicking on holybook.ipynb in the Jupyter notebook file browser window will open this notebook, and putting your cursor in a cell clicking on ">| Run" will run the cell. The processing steps in this notebook are:

1) Load libraries, initialize display options, download stopwords

2) Define utility functions for displaying similarity map, displaying topic words, and filtering text.

3) Text Cleaning: Sections to clean each book by reading the raw text from file(s) in the "books-raw" directory and creating a cleaned file in the 'books' directory. In the case of the old and new testament, a clean file is created for each chapter.

4) Text Processing: Stopword removal, stemming and lemmatization

5) Word Count Vectorisation using TFIDF

6) Topic Discovery using LDA

7) t-SNE based similarity mapping

8) MDS based similarity mapping

Start of Processing

Load libraries and initialise options and directory

In [1]:
import re
import glob
import lxml.html
import os

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
%matplotlib inline

import nltk
from nltk.corpus import stopwords

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer, TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.decomposition import LatentDirichletAllocation
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE, MDS

# set Jupyter to display ALL output from a cell (not just last output)
from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell
InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = "all" 

# set pandas and numpy options to make print format nicer
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', -1)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500)
np.set_printoptions(linewidth=120, threshold=5000, edgeitems=10, suppress=True)

seed = 42

# create clean books directory if doesnt already exist
if not os.path.exists('books'): 

[nltk_data] Downloading package stopwords to
[nltk_data]     /Users/graham/nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Package stopwords is already up-to-date!
[nltk_data] Downloading package wordnet to /Users/graham/nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Package wordnet is already up-to-date!

Utility Functions

In [2]:
# plot similarity map and save as png file at good resolution
def plotmap(topics): 
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(13,12))  # 12,11 or 8,7
    _ = ax.scatter(topics[:,0], topics[:,1], color='black', s=20)
    _ = plt.title('Holy Book Similarity Map', fontsize=20)
    # _ = plt.xlim(-40,60);  _ = plt.ylim(-65,60)
    _ = ax.grid()

    colourmap = {'OldTestmnt': 'dodgerblue', 'NewTestmnt': 'slateblue', 'Torah':'blue', 'Tipitaka':'palevioletred',
                  'Quran':'forestgreen', 'SiriGuruGranth':'teal', 'BhagavadGita':'indianred','BookofMormon': 'gold',
                  'Shakespeare':'darkviolet', 'JaneAusten':'magenta',}
    colours = [colourmap[book[:book.index("-")]] for book in book_names] 
    for i, txt in enumerate(book_names):
        _ = ax.annotate(txt, (topics[i,0], topics[i,1]), size=9, ha='center', rotation=0, color=colours[i])

    patchList = []
    for key in colourmap:
            data_key = mpatches.Patch(color=colourmap[key], label=key)
    _ = plt.legend(handles=patchList, fontsize=8)
    _ = plt.tight_layout()
    _ = plt.savefig('holybooksplot', dpi=200)
    _ = plt.show()
#     import mpld3
#     from mpld3 import plugins
#     # mpld3.display(fig)
#     mpld3.save_html(fig, 'index.html')

def display_topics(model, feature_names, num_top_words): # display words in topic
    for topic_idx, topic in enumerate(model.components_[:-1,:]):
        print("Topic%2d:" % (topic_idx), end='')
        print(",".join([feature_names[i] for i in topic.argsort()[:-num_top_words - 1:-1]]))
# common filtering function used by all books processes below
def stripper(instring):
    outstring = ' '.join(instring.split()).lower()
    outstring = ' '.join(re.findall("[a-zA-Z]+", outstring))
    return outstring

# calculate euclidean distance between two points
from math import hypot
def euclidean_distance(p1,p2):
    x1,y1 = p1
    x2,y2 = p2
    return round(hypot(x2 - x1, y2 - y1),4)

# create dataframe of distances between books
def calc_distances(topics):  
    distances = []
    book1 = []
    book2 = []
    for i, vector in enumerate(topics):
        for j in range(i+1,len(topics)):
            distances.append(euclidean_distance(topics[i], topics[j]))

    distances_df = pd.DataFrame({'book1': book1, 'book2': book2, 'distance':distances})
    distances_df = distances_df.sort_values('distance')
    return distances_df

Process Old Testament

In [3]:
filename = 'OldTestmnt'
book = pd.read_csv('books-raw/'+filename+'-raw.txt', sep='~', header=None) # force all into one column
book['chapter'] = book[0].str.extract('([0-9]?[A-Za-z]*)', expand=False)
book['content'] = book[0].str.split(' ',1).str[1]

for chapter in book.chapter.unique():
    content = book[book.chapter==chapter].content.to_string(index=False)
    content = stripper(content)
    with open('books/'+filename+'-'+chapter+'.txt', 'w') as text_file:
        _ = text_file.write(content)
    print(chapter, len(content),', ',end='')
(23145, 3)
Ge 190358 , Exo 164531 , Lev 123538 , Num 170811 , Deu 142384 , Josh 97230 , Jdgs 95839 , Ruth 12581 , 1Sm 125340 , 2Sm 103194 , 1Ki 123275 , 2Ki 117201 , 1Chr 107020 , 2Chr 135403 , Ezra 39153 , Neh 55193 , Est 29450 , Job 91361 , Psa 216651 , Prv 77744 , Eccl 27557 , SSol 13207 , Isa 188037 , Jer 217063 , Lam 17577 , Eze 199468 , Dan 60065 , Hos 26293 , Joel 10390 , Amos 21205 , Obad 3487 , Jonah 6409 , Mic 15870 , Nahum 6705 , Hab 7686 , Zep 8261 , Hag 5533 , Zec 31993 , Mal 8907 , 

Process New Testament

In [4]:
filename = 'NewTestmnt'
book = pd.read_csv('books-raw/'+filename+'-raw.txt', sep='~', header=None) # force all into one column
book['chapter'] = book[0].str.extract('([0-9]?[A-Za-z]*)', expand=False)
book['content'] = book[0].str.split(' ',1).str[1]

for chapter in book.chapter.unique():
    content = book[book.chapter==chapter].content.to_string(index=False)
    content = stripper(content)
    with open('books/'+filename+'-'+chapter+'.txt', 'w') as text_file:
        _ = text_file.write(content)
    print(chapter, len(content),', ',end='')
(7957, 3)
Mat 120355 , Mark 76505 , Luke 130271 , John 94621 , Acts 125980 , Rom 48724 , 1Cor 47424 , 2Cor 31034 , Gal 15737 , Eph 15846 , Phi 11213 , Col 10398 , 1Th 9380 , 2Th 5297 , 1Tim 12308 , 2Tim 8913 , Titus 4964 , Phmn 2247 , Heb 36222 , Jas 11736 , 1Pet 13067 , 2Pet 8491 , 1Jn 12364 , 2Jn 1502 , 3Jn 1544 , Jude 3419 , Rev 60245 , 

Process Bhagavad Gita

In [5]:
filename = 'BhagavadGita'
book = pd.read_csv('books-raw/'+filename+'-raw.txt', sep='~', header=None) # force all into one column
book = book[~book[0].str.startswith('This free PDF')]
book = book[book[0].str.len() > 3]

content = book[0].to_string(index=False)
content = stripper(content)
with open('books/'+filename+'-None.txt', 'w') as text_file:
    _ = text_file.write(content)
print(filename, len(content))
(742, 1)
BhagavadGita 105424

Process Quran

In [6]:
filename = 'Quran'
book = pd.read_csv('books-raw/'+filename+'-raw.txt', sep='~', header=None) # force all into one column
book[0] = book[0].str.split('|',2).str[2]

content = book[0].to_string(index=False)
content = stripper(content)
with open('books/'+filename+'-None.txt', 'w') as text_file:
    _ = text_file.write(content)
print(filename, len(content))
(6236, 1)
Quran 862817

Process Shakespeare

In [7]:
files = glob.glob("books-raw/Shakespeare*.txt")

for filename in files:
    book = pd.read_csv(filename, sep='~', header=None) # force all into one column
    content = book[0].to_string(index=False)
    content = stripper(content)
    with open('books/'+filename[10:-8]+'.txt', 'w') as text_file:
        _ = text_file.write(content)
    print(filename, len(content))
books-raw/Shakespeare-RomeoAndJuliet-raw.txt 129473
books-raw/Shakespeare-Othello-raw.txt 139984
books-raw/Shakespeare-Macbeth-raw.txt 93565
books-raw/Shakespeare-HenryV-raw.txt 141725
books-raw/Shakespeare-TamingOfShrew-raw.txt 117007
books-raw/Shakespeare-MidsumNightsDream-raw.txt 88784
books-raw/Shakespeare-Hamlet-raw.txt 165856
books-raw/Shakespeare-TheTempest-raw.txt 105207

Process Jane Austen

In [8]:
files = glob.glob("books-raw/JaneAusten*.txt")

for filename in files:
    book = pd.read_csv(filename, sep='~', header=None) # force all into one column
    content = book[0].to_string(index=False)
    content = stripper(content)
    with open('books/'+filename[10:-8]+'.txt', 'w') as text_file:
        _ = text_file.write(content)
    print(filename, len(content))
books-raw/JaneAusten-SenseSensibility-raw.txt 651371
books-raw/JaneAusten-LoveFriendship-raw.txt 179509
books-raw/JaneAusten-LadySusan-raw.txt 123625
books-raw/JaneAusten-Emma-raw.txt 846293
books-raw/JaneAusten-NorthangerAbbey-raw.txt 417609
books-raw/JaneAusten-MansfieldPark-raw.txt 852946
books-raw/JaneAusten-PridePrejudice-raw.txt 659224

Process Siri Guru Granth

In [9]:
filename = 'SiriGuruGranth'
book = pd.read_csv('books-raw/'+filename+'-raw.txt', sep='~', header=None) # force all into one column
content = book[0].str.replace('[^\x00-\x7F]','').str.replace('(O+ \d+ O+)','').to_string(index=False)
content = stripper(content)

with open('books/'+filename+'-None.txt', 'w') as text_file:
    _ = text_file.write(content)
print(filename, len(content))  
(4489, 1)
SiriGuruGranth 4237657

Process Torah

In [10]:
files = glob.glob("books-raw/Torah*.txt")

for filename in files:
    book = pd.read_csv(filename, sep='~', header=None) # force all into one column
    content = book[0].str.replace('(\d+,\d+)','').str.replace('{P}','').to_string(index=False)
    content = stripper(content)
    with open('books/'+filename[10:-8]+'.txt', 'w') as text_file:
        _ = text_file.write(content)
    print(filename, len(content)) 
books-raw/Torah-Genesis-raw.txt 191113
books-raw/Torah-Exodus-raw.txt 165019
books-raw/Torah-Numbers-raw.txt 170648
books-raw/Torah-Leviticus-raw.txt 123213
books-raw/Torah-Deuteronomy-raw.txt 143169

Process Tipitaka

In [11]:
files = glob.glob("books-raw/tipitaka/*.html")
content = ''
for filename in files:
    with open(filename,'r') as infile:
        raw_text = infile.read() # read entire data file into a string
    root = lxml.html.document_fromstring(raw_text)
    for html_class in ['chapter', 'freeverse']:
        parent = root.find_class(html_class)
        if len(parent) > 0: 
            parent = parent[0].getchildren()
            for child in parent:
                content += '' if child.text is None else child.text
content = stripper(content)
with open('books/Tipitaka-None.txt', 'w') as text_file:
    _ = text_file.write(content)
print('books/Tipitaka-None.txt', len(content))  
books/Tipitaka-None.txt 3491208

Process Book of Mormon

In [12]:
filename = 'BookofMormon'
book = pd.read_csv('books-raw/'+filename+'-raw.txt', sep='~', header=None) # force all into one column
content = book[0].to_string(index=False)
content = stripper(content)

with open('books/'+filename+'-None.txt', 'w') as text_file:
    _ = text_file.write(content)
print(filename, len(content))  
(32947, 1)
BookofMormon 1428514

Prepare Text for Analysis

Create a list of all stopword using NLTK's English stopwords and appending a number of old-English words

In [13]:
all_stopwords = ['one','thy','thou','thee','shall','unto','hath','let','ye','shalt','hast','thee','upon','said',

all_stopwords = set(all_stopwords)

Create a list "all_books" where each element is the cleaned text of a book with stopwords removed, and create a list of book names where each element is the name of the book.

In [14]:
all_books = []
# book_files = glob.glob("books/*.txt")
book_files = ['books/OldTestmnt-Hos.txt', 'books/JaneAusten-Emma.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Ge.txt', 'books/NewTestmnt-1Cor.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-2Ki.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Num.txt', 'books/NewTestmnt-2Pet.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Mic.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-2Sm.txt', 'books/Shakespeare-MidsumNightsDream.txt', 'books/Torah-Genesis.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Ezra.txt', 'books/SiriGuruGranth-None.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Lam.txt', 'books/BookofMormon-None.txt', 'books/Torah-Leviticus.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Nahum.txt', 'books/BhagavadGita-None.txt', 'books/NewTestmnt-Jas.txt', 'books/NewTestmnt-Phi.txt', 'books/NewTestmnt-Jude.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Est.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-2Chr.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Amos.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Job.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-1Ki.txt', 'books/Shakespeare-HenryV.txt', 'books/JaneAusten-LadySusan.txt', 'books/NewTestmnt-Phmn.txt', 'books/Tipitaka-None.txt', 'books/NewTestmnt-Gal.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Lev.txt', 'books/Shakespeare-RomeoAndJuliet.txt', 'books/Quran-None.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Jer.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-1Sm.txt', 'books/NewTestmnt-Mark.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Obad.txt', 'books/NewTestmnt-1Tim.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Eccl.txt', 'books/Shakespeare-TamingOfShrew.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Joel.txt', 'books/NewTestmnt-Mat.txt', 'books/JaneAusten-NorthangerAbbey.txt', 'books/NewTestmnt-Rom.txt', 'books/Shakespeare-Othello.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Mal.txt', 'books/NewTestmnt-Luke.txt', 'books/NewTestmnt-Heb.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Neh.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-1Chr.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Ruth.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Deu.txt', 'books/NewTestmnt-3Jn.txt', 'books/NewTestmnt-1Pet.txt', 'books/NewTestmnt-John.txt', 'books/NewTestmnt-2Th.txt', 'books/Torah-Deuteronomy.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Eze.txt', 'books/NewTestmnt-2Cor.txt', 'books/Torah-Exodus.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Josh.txt', 'books/NewTestmnt-Col.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Exo.txt', 'books/Torah-Numbers.txt', 'books/NewTestmnt-Titus.txt', 'books/NewTestmnt-1Jn.txt', 'books/JaneAusten-MansfieldPark.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Zep.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Psa.txt', 'books/Shakespeare-TheTempest.txt', 'books/NewTestmnt-Rev.txt', 'books/NewTestmnt-2Tim.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-SSol.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Hag.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Isa.txt', 'books/JaneAusten-PridePrejudice.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Jdgs.txt', 'books/Shakespeare-Hamlet.txt', 'books/JaneAusten-LoveFriendship.txt', 'books/NewTestmnt-1Th.txt', 'books/Shakespeare-Macbeth.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Dan.txt', 'books/JaneAusten-SenseSensibility.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Jonah.txt', 'books/NewTestmnt-Acts.txt', 'books/NewTestmnt-2Jn.txt', 'books/NewTestmnt-Eph.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Prv.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Zec.txt', 'books/OldTestmnt-Hab.txt']
for book_file in book_files:
    with open(book_file, 'r') as text_file:
        book_text = text_file.read()
        tokens = [word for word in book_text.split() if word not in all_stopwords]
        book_text = ' '.join(tokens)

book_names = [book[6:-4] for book in book_files]
['OldTestmnt-Hos', 'JaneAusten-Emma', 'OldTestmnt-Ge', 'NewTestmnt-1Cor', 'OldTestmnt-2Ki', 'OldTestmnt-Num', 'NewTestmnt-2Pet', 'OldTestmnt-Mic', 'OldTestmnt-2Sm', 'Shakespeare-MidsumNightsDream', 'Torah-Genesis', 'OldTestmnt-Ezra', 'SiriGuruGranth-None', 'OldTestmnt-Lam', 'BookofMormon-None', 'Torah-Leviticus', 'OldTestmnt-Nahum', 'BhagavadGita-None', 'NewTestmnt-Jas', 'NewTestmnt-Phi', 'NewTestmnt-Jude', 'OldTestmnt-Est', 'OldTestmnt-2Chr', 'OldTestmnt-Amos', 'OldTestmnt-Job', 'OldTestmnt-1Ki', 'Shakespeare-HenryV', 'JaneAusten-LadySusan', 'NewTestmnt-Phmn', 'Tipitaka-None', 'NewTestmnt-Gal', 'OldTestmnt-Lev', 'Shakespeare-RomeoAndJuliet', 'Quran-None', 'OldTestmnt-Jer', 'OldTestmnt-1Sm', 'NewTestmnt-Mark', 'OldTestmnt-Obad', 'NewTestmnt-1Tim', 'OldTestmnt-Eccl', 'Shakespeare-TamingOfShrew', 'OldTestmnt-Joel', 'NewTestmnt-Mat', 'JaneAusten-NorthangerAbbey', 'NewTestmnt-Rom', 'Shakespeare-Othello', 'OldTestmnt-Mal', 'NewTestmnt-Luke', 'NewTestmnt-Heb', 'OldTestmnt-Neh', 'OldTestmnt-1Chr', 'OldTestmnt-Ruth', 'OldTestmnt-Deu', 'NewTestmnt-3Jn', 'NewTestmnt-1Pet', 'NewTestmnt-John', 'NewTestmnt-2Th', 'Torah-Deuteronomy', 'OldTestmnt-Eze', 'NewTestmnt-2Cor', 'Torah-Exodus', 'OldTestmnt-Josh', 'NewTestmnt-Col', 'OldTestmnt-Exo', 'Torah-Numbers', 'NewTestmnt-Titus', 'NewTestmnt-1Jn', 'JaneAusten-MansfieldPark', 'OldTestmnt-Zep', 'OldTestmnt-Psa', 'Shakespeare-TheTempest', 'NewTestmnt-Rev', 'NewTestmnt-2Tim', 'OldTestmnt-SSol', 'OldTestmnt-Hag', 'OldTestmnt-Isa', 'JaneAusten-PridePrejudice', 'OldTestmnt-Jdgs', 'Shakespeare-Hamlet', 'JaneAusten-LoveFriendship', 'NewTestmnt-1Th', 'Shakespeare-Macbeth', 'OldTestmnt-Dan', 'JaneAusten-SenseSensibility', 'OldTestmnt-Jonah', 'NewTestmnt-Acts', 'NewTestmnt-2Jn', 'NewTestmnt-Eph', 'OldTestmnt-Prv', 'OldTestmnt-Zec', 'OldTestmnt-Hab']

Pre-process Word Tokens (optional)

The following section apply either stemming lemmatization or no pre-processing. It was found that pre-processing did not have any significant benefit for topic identification so this is turned off by default. To turn on change either of the following variables (but not both) to True

In [15]:
stem = False
lemmatize = True

if stem:
    stemmer = nltk.stem.PorterStemmer()
    for i, book_text in enumerate(all_books):
        tokens = [stemmer.stem(word) for word in book_text.split()]
        all_books[i] = ' '.join(tokens)
if lemmatize:
    lemma = nltk.wordnet.WordNetLemmatizer()

    for i, book_text in enumerate(all_books):
        tokens = [lemma.lemmatize(word) for word in book_text.split()]
        all_books[i] = ' '.join(tokens)
CPU times: user 6.35 s, sys: 108 ms, total: 6.45 s
Wall time: 6.49 s

Word Count Vectorization

The following section applies Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency (TFIDF) word count vectorization to all_books. It also filters stop-words, uses both unigrams and bigrams, and omits words that occur in less than 5% of books, or more than 90% of books.

It creates a numpy array 'wc_vectors' with one row for each book, and one column for each word in the vocabulary, the dimensions of which are output below. It also creates a list of the feature_names of each of these columns, of which a sample is shown. Note that TFIDF vectorization was found to be more stable that simple word count vectorization (included for reference but commented out).

In [16]:
# vect = CountVectorizer(stop_words=all_stopwords, ngram_range=(1,2), min_df=0.05, max_df=0.9)
vect = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words=all_stopwords, ngram_range=(1,2), min_df=0.05, max_df=0.9)
wc_vectors = vect.fit_transform(all_books)
feature_names = vect.get_feature_names()
print('Sample feature names:',feature_names[0:20])
Sample feature names: ['aaron', 'aaron brother', 'aaron came', 'aaron died', 'aaron eleazar', 'aaron garment', 'aaron lord', 'aaron moses', 'aaron nadab', 'aaron offer', 'aaron priest', 'aaron rod', 'aaron say', 'aaron saying', 'aaron son', 'aaron take', 'aaron took', 'aaron went', 'abandon', 'abandoned']
CPU times: user 4.23 s, sys: 136 ms, total: 4.37 s
Wall time: 4.38 s

Topic Discovery

Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is used to identify the specified number of topics from the TFIDF vectors supplied. It returns a numpy array with one row for each book, and one column for each topic weight, with dimensions shown below. The most heavily weighted few words are shown for each topic in the model.

In [17]:
lda_model = LatentDirichletAllocation(n_components=28, learning_method = 'batch', random_state=seed)
X_topics = lda_model.fit_transform(wc_vectors)

display_topics(lda_model, feature_names, 8)
Topic 0:king,israel,people,house,land,came,go,lord god
Topic 1:joab,supreme,action,universe,intellect,sage,bliss,attain
Topic 2:beloved,myrrh,lily,roe,real,spouse,spice,mistaken
Topic 3:spake,pharaoh,abraham,tabernacle,joseph,send,ark,vanity
Topic 4:love,heart,faith,way,see,spirit,would,forth
Topic 5:ungodly,reserved,lasciviousness,gomorrha,enoch,lord rebuke,prophesied saying,disputed
Topic 6:unclean,aaron son,atonement,make atonement,made fire,pause,offering made,penalty
Topic 7:hamlet,deceiver,jehu,elect,abideth,began reign,speed,king syria
Topic 8:christ,jesus,jesus christ,world,lord jesus,glory,grace,mind
Topic 9:miss,dear,however,edward,replied,nurse,affection,soon
Topic10:gourd,great city,tarshish,god prepared,cast forth,doest well,cause evil,tempestuous
Topic11:lust,knowing,subject,saviour,conversation,exhort,god saviour,sober
Topic13:principality,rich glory,lest man,forgiveness sin,forbearing,day heard,sailed,beguile
Topic14:twelve thousand,great city,heaven saying,voice heaven,know work,four twenty,god almighty,angel came
Topic16:banquet,month month,king house,thirteenth,every people,twelfth month,medium,published
Topic17:scripture,suffered,longsuffering,virtue,ever amen,whereby,ungodly,dumb
Topic18:day lord,house lord,daniel,dream,run,rain,glad,governor
Topic19:job,verily say,desolation,doest,coast,receiveth,punish,house judah
Topic20:esau,shouldest,persia,day calamity,begot,obadiah,benaiah,entered gate
Topic23:socket,board,curtain,blue purple,chaldean,zedekiah,pure gold,magician
Topic24:disciple,peter,pharisee,john,simon,synagogue,chief priest,galilee
Topic25:bowel,sly,tailor,sirrah,yet love,might much,servant brother,though might
Topic26:mount olive,mitre,wave sea,heaped,david house,boy girl,set men,resemblance
CPU times: user 7.68 s, sys: 1.21 s, total: 8.89 s
Wall time: 2.39 s

Apply t-SNE to LDA topics to map to 2-D and plot similarity map

t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding projects the multidimensional topic model generated by LDA onto two dimensions to enable plotting. It has two main tunable parameters, perplexity which losely is a way of balancing between local and global elements of the data, and early_exaggeration controls the tightness of clustering. Tuning t-SNE to get the clearest separation requires some experimentation with the parameters. It provides a better visual separation of the data points than MDS (below), but it more sensitive to small changes in the input data.

Further information is available at https://distill.pub/2016/misread-tsne/

In [21]:
tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, perplexity=27, early_exaggeration=12, init='pca',verbose=0, random_state=seed)
tsne_topics = tsne.fit_transform(X_topics)

distances_df = calc_distances(tsne_topics)
topmost = 12
print('\nTop {} most related books'.format(topmost))
print('\nTop {} least related books'.format(topmost))
Top 12 most related books
book1 book2 distance
572 NewTestmnt-2Pet NewTestmnt-1Pet 9.7490
3194 NewTestmnt-Heb OldTestmnt-Ruth 10.2963
186 OldTestmnt-Ge Torah-Genesis 10.5483
322 NewTestmnt-1Cor NewTestmnt-2Cor 11.1878
155 JaneAusten-Emma JaneAusten-MansfieldPark 11.2134
3406 NewTestmnt-3Jn OldTestmnt-Zep 11.2162
1152 OldTestmnt-Lam OldTestmnt-Hag 11.2363
3186 NewTestmnt-Luke NewTestmnt-Acts 11.2522
2069 Shakespeare-HenryV Shakespeare-Macbeth 11.3434
3827 JaneAusten-MansfieldPark JaneAusten-PridePrejudice 11.3757
2857 Shakespeare-TamingOfShrew Shakespeare-Hamlet 11.4013
608 NewTestmnt-2Pet OldTestmnt-Hab 11.4544
Top 12 least related books
book1 book2 distance
2065 Shakespeare-HenryV OldTestmnt-Jdgs 219.0368
3274 OldTestmnt-Neh OldTestmnt-Hab 219.4833
1349 OldTestmnt-Nahum OldTestmnt-Mal 220.3487
4007 OldTestmnt-Jdgs Shakespeare-Macbeth 220.6499
1346 OldTestmnt-Nahum JaneAusten-NorthangerAbbey 223.9295
2037 Shakespeare-HenryV OldTestmnt-Neh 224.4646
1393 OldTestmnt-Nahum OldTestmnt-Hab 226.1138
3265 OldTestmnt-Neh Shakespeare-Macbeth 226.7845
2052 Shakespeare-HenryV Torah-Numbers 227.8430
3760 Torah-Numbers Shakespeare-Macbeth 228.9460
1329 OldTestmnt-Nahum Shakespeare-HenryV 234.6922
1384 OldTestmnt-Nahum Shakespeare-Macbeth 236.4643

Apply MDS to LDA topics to map to 2-D and plot similarity map

Multidimensial Scaling (MDS) is a conceptually simpler approach than t-SNE to project the multidimensional topics onto two dimensional space. This results in more visual clutter (as the points are not 'forced' apart as in the t-SNE method) and a lower clustering clustering accuracy. i.e. the most and least related books are not as intuitive.

Therefore the t-SNE approach is preferred however this section is included for completeness and reference.

In [22]:
mds = MDS(n_components=2, metric=True, verbose=0, random_state=seed)
mds_topics = mds.fit_transform(X_topics)

distances_df = calc_distances(mds_topics)

topmost = 12
print('\nTop {} most related books'.format(topmost))
print('\nTop {} least related books'.format(topmost))
Top 12 most related books
book1 book2 distance
1999 OldTestmnt-1Ki OldTestmnt-Isa 0.0077
3186 NewTestmnt-Luke NewTestmnt-Acts 0.0095
3248 OldTestmnt-Neh Torah-Numbers 0.0109
171 JaneAusten-Emma JaneAusten-SenseSensibility 0.0132
371 OldTestmnt-2Ki OldTestmnt-2Chr 0.0136
2553 OldTestmnt-Jer OldTestmnt-Zec 0.0137
1178 BookofMormon-None OldTestmnt-Job 0.0139
357 OldTestmnt-2Ki OldTestmnt-2Sm 0.0156
3632 Torah-Exodus OldTestmnt-Exo 0.0159
3056 NewTestmnt-Rom NewTestmnt-Eph 0.0176
3834 JaneAusten-MansfieldPark JaneAusten-SenseSensibility 0.0176
186 OldTestmnt-Ge Torah-Genesis 0.0205
Top 12 least related books
book1 book2 distance
3517 NewTestmnt-2Th OldTestmnt-Hag 1.0333
3504 NewTestmnt-2Th OldTestmnt-Josh 1.0496
3319 OldTestmnt-Ruth NewTestmnt-2Th 1.0666
1362 OldTestmnt-Nahum NewTestmnt-2Cor 1.0696
3500 NewTestmnt-2Th Torah-Deuteronomy 1.0711
1331 OldTestmnt-Nahum NewTestmnt-Phmn 1.0778
1341 OldTestmnt-Nahum NewTestmnt-1Tim 1.0899
490 OldTestmnt-Num NewTestmnt-2Th 1.1105
3520 NewTestmnt-2Th OldTestmnt-Jdgs 1.1274
3507 NewTestmnt-2Th Torah-Numbers 1.1627
3240 OldTestmnt-Neh NewTestmnt-2Th 1.1653
1359 OldTestmnt-Nahum NewTestmnt-2Th 1.2595
In [ ]:


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